
Hi there! My name is Bob, and this is the first of what I hope to be many blog posts and articles. So, where to start? A little about me first: I’m from the United States, Pennsylvania specifically. I grew up being fed books which is why reading and writing are about 90% of who I am. (The last 10% is for another post!) I studied English Writing at West Chester University and, about a year later, I moved to Yokohama, Japan where I’ve been working various jobs teaching English. My longtime goal has been to become a professional writer which, as of this blog post, hasn’t happened yet. It’d be wild if you’re reading this years down the line because you like my work, but for now that’s just a dream.

Now, the big question. Why start this blog? Professional development is a big part of it, of course. But I’m choosing this particular path because there’s honestly a lot of stuff I love talking about, and very few people with the patience to listen to me babble on and on about what pens Sailor is coming out with this fall. I want to share the books I love, the stationary I’m using, the absolutely amazing places I’m visiting, and maybe even some of the things I’m writing. I also want to hear what you all have to say about those things too! Having conversations is one of life’s greatest gifts, and I’m looking forward to having plenty of them in the future!

Now for a bit of housekeeping: First and foremost for any blog is a consistent update schedule. For now, I’ll be posting at least twice a week. I’m planning to divide my posts into three topics. Books, Stationary, and Travel. As for when I’ll talk about each one? Well, life isn’t interesting if you plan everything out in advance, is it? As time goes on, I’ll also be looking at feedback to see if there’s anything people like or don’t like, as well as anything else I can do to make this blog a fun place for everyone.

I think that’s enough for now. Thanks for reading until the end! I’ll be back with my first “real” post soon so I hope you check it out!

Until then, make sure you have the Write of Way


Ink, Ink, Ink!